Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Unicef Events Essay Example for Free
Unicef Events Essay EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On May 21, 2008 at 4pm in Yellowstone National Park, there will be a fundraising project to promote and support children’s education in the country. It will be a walkathon named The UNICEF Walkathon which aims to raise 21,000 dollars to be able to provide schools all over the world with basic school supplies and facilities. We will be inviting families, students, celebrities and athletes from all over the Metro to walk for a cause giving $10 per kilometer completed. Last May 21, 2008, they walked the talk. Converging at the Yellowstone National Park, they all took part in UNICEF’s â€Å"Take a Walk on the Child’s Side†Walkathon. Individual walkers, groups of friends, whole companies – even pets – were given the choice to walk any of the 2.5-, 5-, or 7.5-kilometer segments of the walkathon. And their donations, ranging from $5 to $10 and more, poured in in support of children’s education. This will be organized by the 2nd batch of Volunteer Interns from UNICEF; the half-day event aims to raise more than $20,000 to aid UNICEF’s efforts around the world, focusing primarily on improving the quality of education especially in the rural areas(What we do). INTRODUCTION and EVENT BACKGROUND VISION AND MISSION STATEMENT The vision of UNICEF is for all children around the world enjoy their rights and have a bright future within caring and protective families and communities (wwww.unicef.org). This vision can be attained through: Advocating that all children around the world have the optimal conditions necessary for growth, development and security (Help the Homeless). Widen the community of actors engaged in securing the maximum level of care for children and fulfillment of children’s rights. Demonstrate principles of transparency, effectiveness and accountability as managers of resources for all children. UNICEF work with various governments at the national, regional, and local levels (how to help the children in need). Through this system of cooperation, UNICEF seeks also the support and cooperation of NGOs and the private sector. This conglomerate encourages governors, mayors, and local leaders to build child-friendly communities. Effective communication is implemented with parents and community leaders about the rights of their children. Training of daycare workers, teachers, and health workers is conducted. Legislative actions and policy making directed towards the empowerment of children is encouraged by influencing the police, lawyers, and judges to set up a justice system sensitive to the needs of children (Brown, N., Bayer, E. 2000). UNICEF aids in developing infrastructure such as build daycare centers, child-friendly schools, and health centers. We construct sanitary toilets and water systems. With the help of UNICEF, organizations are able to reach out to children living in the streets, working in hazardous conditions, broken the law, abused and neglected, and those caught in armed conflict and affected by strife and disasters. We offer children the chance to speak out and be heard (What is Unicef?). PURPOSE/GOAL/ OBJECTIVE Unicef Walkathon (walk on the child’s side) To generate $20,000 for the â€Å"Promise for children’s dreams†Project, through: Walkathon participation Ticket sales from different Activities Concessionaires/Food Booths Bazaars in the event area To increase active participation in advocating for children’s rights To increase awareness about UNICEF and its goals That all children have dreams Children’s rights Variety Show Youth for the Youth – UNICEF invited different young amateur and professional performers to grace the event and showcase their talents. As successful and goal-driven members of the youth, they will be performing for the benefit of the less-fortunate youth in order to help them achieve their dreams and live a happy and contented childhood. They will be giving messages of hope and dreams, and ultimately become role models. OVERVIEW OF THE NATURE OF THE EVENT Variety Show Mass Opening Ceremonies Variety Program Variety Program Features Song Numbers Amateur: Michelle Ferriols BLD Music Ministry Trivent Splitcide Professional/Main Performer: AKAfellas Dance Numbers Escola Brasileira de Capoeira Company of Ateneo Dancers Into the Woods Play Excerpt: Blue Repertory Raffle Prizes Awards Ceremony Host and Performers Host: Bianca Gonzalez OVERVIEW STATEMENT OF WORK REQUIRED WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE (Stuckenbruck, L. C., 1981) Participant’s mechanics Walkathon participants Cost of entrance for pre-registered participants Cost of entrance for walk-in participants Nature and kind of freebies to be given to participants Walkathon Walkathon slogan Route Number of rounds for the route Management system Prizes for the winners Walkathon Activities Concessionaires for activities Food concessionaires Food Booths Big Sponsors’ Booths Simple Booths: (Taho, Dirty Ice Cream) Organizations’ Stalls Volunteers and Logistics Registration system Location System of registration for participants Sound System and Stage Floor Plan and Wattage Volunteers’ and operators’ food Promotions strategy (Special Event Publicity) Pre-event advertisement News Release : Unicef Invites Public to Walk on the Child’s side Announce the event and its significance. Invite participants, supporters and sponsors (if needed). Explain the mechanics and what’s in it for joiners. For: sports pages, 9 dailies + selected tabloids Timing: 1st week April News Feature : Unicef Mounts Walkathon for XYZ Focus on the reason behind the walkathon. Expound on UNICEF projects for children that need support and the public’s understanding. Invite more support and participation. For: Lifestyle pages, dailies Timing: second week April Feature: Try The Walkathon – It’s New, Healthy and Fun! Try to arouse more interest for the sport by explaining the mechanics of the sport. Why do both feet always have to touch the ground in this sport? What are the health benefits? Include trivia about walkathons past that would arouse interest. Underscore the significance of the project and introduce the beneficiary – why it needs support. For: Lifestyle or Sports pages, dailies + weeklies Timing: 3rd week April News Releases / Photo Releases : Updates on the                                 Walkathon Event Give final call for registrants; announce venue, time, prizes, mechanics, special guests, celebrities, etc. (there will be a series of straightforward news announcements about these details of the Race before the actual event. For: sports sections of dailies and weeklies Timing: From 3rd week April to just the day before the   Race Event advertisement                        Provide: TV Coverage Print Media Coverage Photo Coverage Invite: Key government officials or civic personalities to attend Celebrities with their child actors and actresses to attend Sports Media to cover the event Conduct: A Walkathon Clinic or clinics in strategic areas before the event to familiarize the mall-going public with the sport and the event. On-the-spot â€Å"lectures†or tip-giving by sports experts about Walkathon racing just before the event on the day itself. Set up Registration Centers for the Walkathon before the event in malls and other crowd-heavy places (including schools; i.e. summer schools, cooking schools) where interested participants may sign up. Prepare token rewards (a sticker? E.g. â€Å"I Walked My Talk with UNICEF†) to give to all participants who show up at Yellowstone National Park on event day. (Optional) Stage: A Program with some entertainment numbers before the announcement of winners and the awarding of medals (To be discussed separately)  Post-event advertisement  TV News Footages of the Project in Selected TV News Programs Short Features of the Project in Selected TV Sports/ Magazine Programs PRINT News Stories with Photo : Winners of Unicef                                                   Walkathon Photo Spreads : Montage of Walkathon Scenes       And Personalities, UNICEF       Officials, people Personality Features: Choose one or several key personalities who joined or watched the Walkathon and write feature articles about them. Place the articles in lifestyle sections, sports magazines, women’s magazines. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE   TIMELINES Gantt Chart (Badiru, 1993) April 11-16 Finalize marketing letter to sponsors (packages) Finalize operations Finalize registration form/flyer Finalize letters to companies for pledges Finalize letters to celebrities Finalize the logistics requirements Send out letters to companies (for pledges and sponsorship) Send out letters to celebrities Start distribution of flyers/registration forms Coordinate with PR and promo Ocular (mapping) List target companies for sponsors April 18-22 Start promotions of the program Ongoing roll out of letters Follow-up with companies we sent proposals to Set up meetings with interested companies. Coordinate in getting volunteers Contact City officials â€Å"Logistic hunting†(i.e. sound system, tents) Finalize mapping and placement (log) Food Flow   Day 20-May   Meal allotment Lunch Dinner SUM UNICEF VOLUNTEERS   65  Technical crew 20 20   Marshals group     Traffic Management     Programs 15    Special Events 10    Secretariat    LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS     Traffic Enforcers     First aid     Swat     Police     Fire brigade    ORGANIZERS     Genesis 5 5  PERFORMERS       Total 75     Day 21-May   Meal allotment Breakfast Lunch SUM UNICEF VOLUNTEERS   170  Technical crew 20 20   Marshals group 15 15   Traffic Management 10 10   Programs 15 15   Special Events 10 10   Secretariat 15 15  LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS   78  Traffic Enforcers 13 13   First aid 8 8   Swat 7 7   Police 7 7   Fire brigade 4 4  ORGANIZERS     Genesis 5 5  PERFORMERS 50       Total 308      GRAND TOTAL 383  RUNNING SHEET (running sheet) Running Sheet   Day Time Activity 19-May Whole day Ingress/Delivery to Yellowstone National Park  Borrowed tents  Drinks from corporate partners  Collaterals from UNICEF  Collaterals from marketing agency  Collaterals from Corporate Partners  Borrowed tables and chairs SET-UP  Holding Area  20-May Whole day Ingress/Delivery to Yellowstone National Park  Hardcopies of the Walkathon database  Cash boxes  Borrowed tents  Drinks from corporate partners  Collaterals from UNICEF  Collaterals from marketing agency  Collaterals from Corporate Partners  Borrowed tables and chairs  9:00am onwards ARRIVAL OF THE VOLUNTEERS SET-UP  Tents for the booth area  Tents for the concessionaires  Tents for the water stations  Tents for the registration area  Tents for the breakfast area  Lounge area (tables and chairs, and tents)  Main stage (set-up and design)  Volunteers food booth  Headquarters  VIP Area  UNICEF advocacy banners around the route  UNICEF advocacy materials in Yellowstone National Park  Collaterals of Corporate partners  12:00nn LUNCH  3:00pm onwards TECHNICAL DRY RUN  Booth area  Concessionaire area  Water Stations  Registration area  Lounge Area  Headquarters  Main stage  7:00pm DINNER of skeleton crew  21-May 12:01am onwards Ingress/Set-up  Sounds system  Portalets Arrival of Volunteers/ volunteers briefing  1:00am onwards Ingress/Set-up  Food concessionaires  Special events teams  2:00am Ingress/Set-up  Registration equipment (Laptops) SOUND CHECK FINAL TESTING  Registration Area  Walkathon route  Water stations  Lounge Area  Concessionaires Area  3:30am Set-up of the directional signage along the road  6:00am-1:00pm EVENT  1:00pm LUNCH  2:00pm-onwards EGRESS  Food concessionaires  Exhibitors  Special events team  Local government Units  Money from the donation/pledges Pack up  Registration area  Tables and chairs  Tents  Sounds system  Water stations  Advocacy Banners Removal  Event directional materials  4:00pm (or earlier)-onwards EGRESS of all materials MANAGEMENT PLAN Event Area Traffic management plan (traffic management – venues and events) DROP OFF POINTS FOR THE PARTICIPANTS EVALUATION, CONTROL AND MONITORING SYSTEMS Garbage disposal system (waste management plan) Baggage Counter            Two small tables will be put up at the entrance of the Administration Building; one â€Å"in†and one â€Å"out†. The participants who wish to have their bags put in the baggage counter/claim their bags from the baggage counter should fall in line outside the building            Ten long tables, which will serve as storage area, will be put up inside the Administration Building. Each table is assigned twenty bagsâ€â€ten on either side. The same also follows for the area below the table. [400 baggage]            A minimum of four volunteers is required of this system. One would be assigned to each of the tables at the entrance while two would be the â€Å"claimers†, one for incoming bags and the other for the outgoing bags.  Garbage Disposal            Garbage cans will be placed near the water stations: 5 stations * 2 cans = 10 cans. Also the water station volunteers per station should each take turns to make rounds (0.5km stretch only) at 30-minute intervals to check for trash as well as to remind people to dispose their trash properly. BUDGET Walkathon expenditures (Funding the budget) Supplies Expense (Office Line Enterprises) $ 43.65 Representation (from meetings) $ 38.88 Towels (for walkers) $ 183.67 Food expense (for volunteers) $ 204.08 Walkers bib $ 122.45 Portalets $ 126.53 Tables and chairs $ 122.14 Ice $ 24.49 Walkathon forms $ 61.22 Pre-event promo materials $ 172.20 Tarpaulin expense $ 240.76 $ 0.00 Volunteer IDs $ 137.14 TOTAL $ 1,477.22 Promotions strategy (Guide to Special Events) Regular Representation $ 1,020.00 Event Media-Related Expenses $ 1,632.00 TV Coverage ($612.00) Print Media Coverage ($816) Photo/Video Coverage ($204) Photography (for Pre-Event/Post-Event) $ 204.00 (Service Fee + Copies) Operational Costs $ 409.00 (Covers Transportation Expenses, Press kit, TV Monitoring and Dubbing Fees, Scanning Fees, Media Delivery Costs, Photocopying, Coordination expenses, Materials, Publications) Professional Fees $ 1,224.00 (Covers Conceptualization of PR/Media Strategies, Writing/Editing of Materials, Media Contacts and Liaison, Media Invitations and Coordination, Clipping/ Monitoring, Coordination with Invited VIPs/ Celebrities, TOTAL $ 4,489.00 Conclusion: Projects as critical as the Unicef fund raising project for their projects and programs has truly benefited from the utilization and effective implementation of events management theories and methods. By using the prescribed guidelines in effective events management, most if not all of the elements needed to effectively implement the project were identified and addressed (Sargeant 2004). As proper events management would entail, it is important to clearly identify the project’s purpose and objectives for making the event. By being able to define the objectives of the fundraising project of Unicef, the events group is able to identify necessary and unnecessary items needed for the event. This greatly narrows down the needed work to be done and makes sure that all the elements of the events being implemented are value-adding activities that help in achieving the project’s objectives and goals. After by being able clearly identify the objectives of the project, the group can then move on to events planning and effective implementation. As prescribed in effective events management, there is a need for a clear creation of an organizational structure. A clear organizational structure makes sure for an effective and efficient implementation group and would imply effective communication within affected groups of people. As would conventional events and project management would demand, it is important for effective communication. IN addition, by having a clear structure, there is a systematic approach to the implementation of the event; there is a clear identification of duties and responsibilities and what he/she is supposed to deliver. In the Unicef event, the group was able to clearly plan as well the promotional strategy for this event. As fund raising events clearly need publicity, it was important for the group to identify and to plan out an effective means of how to strategize the effective utilization of publicity in order to attract more and more participants. Other parts of planning prescribed in events management is the use of a running sheet. With this the group was able to clearly identify the time lines on pre-event, event and post-event days and address as much as possible all areas that were needed to be addressed. Everything in the running sheet was needed to be checked and to be verified in order to assure that everything will run smoothly on the event day. Food was also one of the issues addressed in planning stage by creating a food flow for all volunteers involved as it would be important to provide food to the hundreds of volunteers supporting the event. A key point also addressed in effective business management is managing potentials areas for risk and how to alleviate it. For instance, in the Unicef event, this was done by creating an effective traffic management plan and a clear garbage disposal program. Lastly, one of key points of effective events management is effective budget planning. This is ever so critical as it is important to be prudent in spending as this project is a fundraising event, therefore it is important for the event to earn money as it is implemented. If there is no earnings, then there would be no use for the project. Effective events management has truly aided in the implementation of this project. Without effectively managing this event this event would not be able to amass funds for the projects of Unicef and at the same time would be negative publicity for the organization. However, due to effective events management there is a large possibility that the Unicef walkathon would amass much needed funds for the projects of Unicef and at the same time publicity for Unicef’s advocacies and programs. References: A running sheet in relation to project management? Available at http://www.faqs.org/qa/qa-20485.html Badiru, A. B. 1993, Quantitative Models for Project Planning, Scheduling, and Control. Westport, CT: Quorum Books. Brown, N., Bayer, E. 2000, Advocacy in Action: Perspectives from UNICEF. Childhood Education, 76(5), 316-. Business Knowledge Center. Gantt Chart. Available at http://www.netmba.com/operations/project/gantt/ Funding the budget. Available at http://www.aucklandcity.govt.nz/whatson/planning/organising/funding.asp h f. traffic management – venues and events. Available at http://www.lbhf.gov.uk/Directory/Transport_and_Streets/Roads_highways_and_pavements/Traffic_management_-_venues_and_events/54909_Traffic_management_venues_and_events.asp Help the Homeless. Available at http://www.helpthehomelessdc.org/ Running sheet of breakout session (draft 1). Available at http://www.nihs.go.jp/dig/ich/apec/BRS1Program.htm Running sheet. Available at www.hollows.org/upload/3372.pdf Sargeant, A., Jay, E. 2004, Fundraising Management. New York: Routledge. Stuckenbruck, L. C. (Ed.). 1981, The Implementation of Project Management: The Professionals Handbook. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. Traffic Management. Available at http://www.aucklandcity.govt.nz/whatson/planning/organising/traffic.asp S. Department of Transportation. Traffic Management System. Available at http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/tfhrc/safety/tms.htm Unicef HK. How to help the children in need. Available at http://www.unicef.org.hk/docs/new/frame.php?lang=epage=help_corp.htm Unicef, What we do. Available at www.unicef.org University Communications and marketing. Guide to Special Events. Available at http://www.kent.edu/ucm/PoliciesStandards/Events.cfm University Communications and marketing. Special Event Publicity. Available at http://www.kent.edu/ucm/PoliciesStandards/SEpublicity.cfm Walk on the Child’s side. Available at http://www.unicef.org/philippines/support/sup_14.html Waste Management plan. Available at http://www.aucklandcity.govt.nz/whatson/planning/organising/wastemgmt.asp What is Unicef? Available at http://www.sil.org/linguaLinks/literacy/ ReferenceMaterials/GlossaryOfLiteracyTerms/WhatIsUNICEF.htm
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