Friday, September 4, 2020
Proposal essays
Proposition articles First year understudies at the University of Dayton are off guard since they can't have vehicles because of small parking spot. This could be fixed, satisfying all, by providing a parking area for first year understudies. I am somewhat qualified around there for I have done research on the point and I am additionally a first year understudy at the college, so I know how it influences understudies direct. Sadly, it wont be a quick procedure to get this cultivated, for it should experience the educational committee board, etc. At present the college is additionally taking a gander at a few other large ventures too, for example, assembling new and revamping old quarters and building another music building as well as training field for the band. This is a fairly costly undertaking too, however I feel it is well justified, despite all the trouble for it will help the understudies influenced significantly. It is calculated that this undertaking will cost roughly $38, 920. Right now, first year understudies at the University of Dayton can't carry vehicles with them to the grounds. This can place those understudies at an incredible weakness from various perspectives. Truly, it will help keep the understudies on the grounds, well some of them, yet I think on the off chance that we were permitted to have a vehicle nearby, we could modify somewhat better to the new life or condition we have here. It makes it extremely hard for those understudies to land positions off grounds because of the way that they dont have an approach to get the opportunity to work except if they get the transport or have somebody that is happy to take them, which isnt consistently adequate. I have investigated the subject to find what must be done to get a venture, for example, this practiced here at the college. As a matter of first importance I discovered what number of first year understudies were enlisted at the University of Dayton. Next I discovered what number of those first year understudies were living in grounds lodging a ... <! Proposition expositions I have picked as my subject of examination the territory of ERP PC programming. I am intrigued the ABAP language that is utilized on SAP and I have no working information on that field right now. The reason for this task is to explore my picked profession field and to perceive how PCs fit into this field. I might want to know the measure of experience that is required so as to enter this field and furthermore the training necessities. I am as of now working at the organization that I intend to remain with and have made my objectives known. I am at present in the field of Production Control. That implies if something in the group handling plan falls flat, my group is entrusted with finding the issue and fixing it or finding the right individual to fix it. Once in a while are we asked to really fix a programming bug, we generally simply give it to the first developer to fix. There are a few people there who have no tutoring yet long periods of experience and there are other people who have different degrees. I realize that I need a degree since I have no programming experience to talk about outside of school, and I need to check whether I will actually ever arrive. I intend to research this field in the organization where I am as of now utilized, which is Petsmart in Phoenix, Arizona. I intend to meet the administrators of 2 diffrerent programming gatherings and afterward maybe sit with a senior software engineer and watch. I need to check whether they have books on the language utilized by Petsmart, which is ABAP, a genuinely new and diverse programming language. My general paper will be composed utilizing Microsoft Word and I will likewise utilize Microsoft Powerpoint. I intend to utilize a Powerpoint slide introduction and maybe additionally have some gift pages with additional data. ... <! Proposition articles The plans of hustling vehicles are simply founded on optimal design, which improves the general execution of the vehicles. The car business is one of the universes biggest ventures since vehicles have become a fundamental piece of our lives. The vast majority of the mechanical improvements in the vehicle business are immediate aftereffects of the headways in engine sports. Dashing vehicles go back to the mid 1900s. Be that as it may, the vehicles unique plans didn't think about streamlined features, this was because of the absence of logical examination engaged with the improvement and advancement of the vehicles. Or maybe, the upgrades were to a great extent dependent on instinct and experience(Barnard 132), so the vehicles unique structures were level and very box like. These structures experienced a ton of streamlined drag in light of the fact that streamlined powers start to command at speeds over ninety kilometers for each hour. Nonetheless, the best possible advancements began to happen when scholarly and research establishments began to engage with dashing vehicle structures in the 1930s,(Barnard 132) after liberal financing by the German government. Thus, a great deal of logical hypotheses are associated with the general structure of dashing vehicles, for instance the Bernoulli Effect was utilized to build up the wings on the vehicle, which are utilized to create down power. Streamlined features is one of the most significant parts of the dashing vehicle configuration process. In the streamlined structure of dashing vehicles, there are two elements to be thought of. The first and most significant is the measure of down power created by the streamlined plan and highlights. The subsequent factor is the measure of streamlined drag brought about by the power of grating acting against the vehicle because of the restricting wind stream. The down power is the vertical power coordinated descending, created via wind stream around the vehicle. High down power is required to speed up (Yager) in light of the fact that it sucks the vehicle to the track which pre... <!
Monday, August 24, 2020
Call Center Manager Free Essays
The BCG grid technique depends on the item life cycle hypothesis that can be utilized to figure out what needs ought to be given in the item arrangement of a specialty unit. To guarantee long haul esteem creation, an organization ought to have an arrangement of items that contains both high-development items needing money sources of info and low-development items that produce a great deal of money. It has 2 measurements: piece of the pie and market development. We will compose a custom exposition test on Call Center Manager or then again any comparative point just for you Request Now The essential thought behind it is that the greater the piece of the pie an item has or the quicker the product’s showcase develops, the better it is for the organization. Putting items in the BCG lattice brings about 4 classifications in an arrangement of an organization: †¢ Cash Cow †a specialty unit that has a huge piece of the pie in a develop, slow developing industry. Money dairy animals require little venture and create money that can be utilized to put resources into different specialty units. †¢ Star †a specialty unit that has an enormous piece of the overall industry in a quickly developing industry. Stars may create money, but since the market is developing quickly they expect speculation to keep up their lead. On the off chance that effective, a star will turn into a money bovine when its industry develops. Question Mark (or Problem Child) †a specialty unit that has a little piece of the pie in a high development showcase. These specialty units expect assets to develop piece of the pie, however whether they will succeed and become stars is obscure. †¢ Dog †a specialty unit that has a little piece of the pie in a develop industry. A pooch may not require generous money, however it ties up capital that could all the more likely be conveyed somewhere else. Except if a canine has some other vital reason, it ought to be exchanged if there is little possibility for it to pick up piece of the overall industry. pic] Some restrictions of the Boston Consulting Group Matrix include: †¢ High piece of the pie isn't the main achievement factor †¢ Market development isn't the main pointer for engaging quality of a market †¢ Sometimes Dogs can gain much more money as Cash Cows The BCG Matrix technique can help comprehend an as often as possible committed procedure error: having a one-size-fits-all-way to deal with methodology, for example, a conventional development target (9 percent for each year) or a nonexclusive profit for capital of state 9. % for a whole enterprise. In such a situation: A. Money Cows Business Units will beat their benefit target effectively; their administration have a simple activity and are regularly applauded in any case. Far and away more terrible, they are frequently permitted to reinvest generous money sums in their organizations which are adult and not developing any longer. B. Mutts Business Units take on a unimaginable conflict and, far more detestable, speculations are made once in a while in sad endeavors to ‘turn the business around’. C. Therefore (all) Question Marks and Stars Business Units get average size speculation reserves. Thusly they can't ever become money bovines. These insufficient put away wholes of cash are a misuse of cash. Either these SBUs ought to get enough venture assets to empower them to accomplish a genuine market strength and become a money dairy animals (or star), or in any case organizations are encouraged to disinvest and attempt to get whatever conceivable money impossible den otes that were not chosen. The most effective method to refer to Call Center Manager, Papers
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Music Piracy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Music Piracy - Essay Example Music robbery is hurting the economy in a significant way following the burglarizing of artistes of their imagination and remuneration. This likewise works in the domino impact where loss of income in one industry brings about a general misfortune in different businesses; this is a direct result of diminished deals. Illicit music downloads over the web influences an enormous number of individuals going from craftsmen, musicians, sound specialists, PC professionals, headhunters and makers. Every one of these individuals are dependent on the music business for their salary and as a wellspring of employment, which depends on protected innovation. Denying performers and their offshoots of income puts in danger the occupations of a huge number of individuals, as there will be no assets to continue them at work. Moreover, it precludes the administration from securing charges paid by the said populace subsequently influencing the general improvement of a country. A few artists and makers wi th recording studios have even been compelled to close business to loss of income and expanding working costs prompting misfortunes. On an individual scale, robbery rebuffs effective artistes by putting them on a level where their privileges are not equivalent to those of different residents of the world. This is on the grounds that it is like burglary or theft, just that this time it loots a person of their licensed innovation. In a typical world, the law rebuffs burglars and criminals, however in theft, little is finished prompting disheartened artistes and music industry subsidiaries (Greenblatt 992). Along these lines every one of those that work intimately with the music business are left at a misfortune concerning attire lines and no product is turned out to promote the music created. This, thus, streams right down to the material business, at last the rancher, and the worldwide economy. Thus, the music business is experiencing a moderate passing attributable to expanded theft , and little exertion applied to its avoidance. Furthermore, robbery of music influences the web arrange utilized for pilfered downloads as far as data transmission. This is especially so as it strips the system to the minimum necessity prompting loss of efficiency, while taking part in criminal operations, as is inclined in establishments of higher learning (Wade 4). In this manner, so as to keep music theft from occurring, a horde of measures can be taken that are coordinated to those that take part in the training. Since the vast majority of the privateers in the music business are understudies, promoting can assume a critical job. Most organizations have participated in enormous crusades guided at understudies trying to persuade understudy to quit downloading music unlawfully. Be that as it may, this has little impacts as understudies are working significantly harder to cut down the music business. Studies show that one of the approaches to eliminate music robbery particularly i n this age of the web is to comprehend the psyche and the drive behind a pirate’s conduct before the activity. This is concerning the inspiration of the privateer and their objectives. For this situation, a privateer might want access to music however there are restraints to getting t to the objective, as financial necessity. Therefore, privateers try to sidestep this boundary by downloading music from unlawful destinations. In this manner, crusades focusing on distinct privateers can be a noteworthy lift against robbery. This is through making effort portraying the perils that one is presented to
The Truth Behind the Monster Essays
The Truth Behind the Monster Essays The Truth Behind the Monster Essay The Truth Behind the Monster Essay Does sustaining kids have a positive result on their life? Or then again is it hereditary qualities that make kids the manner in which they are? Questions like these are tended to in the discussion of nature versus Nurture. This contention revolves around what controls our result: our condition or our qualities. In Mary Shelley Frankincense, Victors creation, the aim of which was to help comprehend the idea of life and demise, brings about just pulverization of his own life. Victor didn't support the beast, despite the fact that it was energetic for affection and empathy the subsequent Victor made it. In the wake of being more than once manhandled and dismissed by others, the animal gets malicious. The two youngsters and the animal in Frankincense share the fundamental mental needs of adoration and love that must be met with the goal for them to become dynamic individuals in the public eye. The nature versus Nurture division is a continuous discussion in brain science which bases on hereditary legacy and ecological elements to human turn of events (Richardson 16). The fundamental inquiry is, would we say we are formed by our qualities or by our condition? Many accept that people form conditions. Others state conditions shape people. Genera Cherry, creator of Everything Psychology, ponders when individuals achieve gigantic scholastic achievement, did they do so in light of the fact that they are hereditarily inclined to be fruitful or due to an advancing domain? Supporting youngsters has been demonstrated to be one of the best ways for them to become effective and prosperous grown-ups. The support side of the nature versus Nurture alludes more to individual experience and adolescence. As per Keith Richardson, creator of Developmental Psychology, a steady sustaining can empower every youngster to succeed joyfully inside the parameters of their own impedance (Richardson 31). The vast majority are their very own result conditions. In the event that an individual grows up with no supporting, or family, never realizing what it resembles to have their fundamental needs met, the person in question is less inclined to demonstrate love to anybody. Children who are naturally introduced to an existence of wrongdoing proceed with the life of wrongdoing since they don't have the foggiest idea about some other way. The social learning hypothesis of brain research expresses that if a kid watches forceful conduct between guardians, kin, or both, the person in question regularly duplicates this conduct, making a cycle. Youngsters should be cherished so as to how adore. Jesse K. Designated is a sentenced killer. He supposedly assaulted and killed his seven-year-old neighbor, Megan Kane, in Hamilton New Jersey on July 29, 1994. He tricked Kane into his home by offering to show her a little dog. He at that point continued to assault her. Named later choked her with a belt. He set the body in his truck, and attacked her an extra time before putting Megan in a wooden toy chest and dumping it close to Mercer County Park. At the point when they looked Jesses house that night, he was exceptionally apprehensive, sweat-soaked, and kept stirring up his accounts. The following day, Denominated in the end admitted to his wrongdoings and lead the police to the spot of Means body. Proof of blood stains, hair, and fiber tests were found by police outside of Detainments home. Specialists likewise found a nibble mark coordinating Megan Kansas teeth on his hand, driving him to be seen as blameworthy of capturing, four tallies T disturbed rape, Ana two checks AT Talons murder. He Tact punishment and at least 30 years in jail (Glassblowers). All for a mind-blowing duration, Jesse Denominated never comprehended what it resembled to really be cherished and thought about. His mom, a heavy drinker, who had ten unique kids with a few men, never thought about Jesse. His dad, a fierce consumer with a criminal foundation, explicitly mishandled Jesse and his sibling for quite a while. Jesse additionally detailed watching his dad assault a multi year old young lady. As per Carol Chock, a legal social laborer, Detainments father tormented and executed their pets, and that he once constrained the siblings to eat their pet bunny. The family likewise lived in neediness for an extensive stretch of time, and Jesse never looked for legitimate clinical consideration for his obviously dramatically youth. Under those awful conditions, could the homicide of Megan Kane have been a consequence of Jesse Denominated absence of support as a kid? At the point when Frankincenses creation initially became animated, he was twisted, yet not really a beast. His deadly activities transformed him into one, however simply after he was over and again mishandled and dismissed by people (Baldric 201). At the point when the beast remains in isolation since Victor rejects him, he watches a family over the way and perceives how individuals interface with one another. He sees friendship and love, however he likewise observes cap everything isn't constantly great. The beast reacts emphatically to the affection the De Lackeys have for one another, and to Felids evident trouble (Baldric 201). Frankincenses creation develops the fearlessness to enlighten the De Lackeys regarding what is befalling him. They promptly dismiss him since he is definitely not a human, and he looks twisted. Significantly after Victor forsakes him and Felix ambushes him, the beast attempts to spare a suffocating young lady. In any case, in light of his appearance, the young ladies father attempts to slaughter the beast. The beast shows the sentimental thought that benevolence ND generosity are acquired characteristics in people (Bloom 201). The beast realizes that individuals loathe him in view of his repulsive appearance. He likewise discovers that society doesn't generally acknowledge individuals who look in an unexpected way. The beast even says, all men despise the tweaked (Shelley 81). At the point when he murders William, Frankincenses sibling, this is on the grounds that he needs Victor to feel a similar torment he does. He doesnt do it as a result of the nature in which he was made. The beast trusts that if Victor sympathizes with his torment, he will make an accomplice beast to adore him. Victor can't, making he beast considerably increasingly furious. Victor energetically acknowledges obligation regarding the animals presence, yet he neglects to comprehend that his own activities after the animals birth, just as the treatment of the animal by different people, are liable for the animals noxious conduct (Killed 186). Victor is oblivious with regards to whom to fault for Williams passing. The beast did nothing incorrectly until he was denied by society. Like Denominated, Victor Frankincense came up short on the correct support as a kid. In spite of the fact that not completely portrayed in the book, his dad spent his more youthful days unendingly involved by the issues of his nation (Bloom 178). His mom passed on of Scarlet fever Just weeks before he left for Inconstant. Victor was likewise enamored with his received cousin, Elizabeth, and had further designs to wed her. Victors adolescence was not perfect, and having his mom pass in a matter of seconds before his examination could have enormously affected the result. In the start of Victors try at Inconstant, Victor trusted that by making the beast, he would increase a superior comprehension of Tie. In any case, minimal 010 en Know, ten beast would Instead demolish Nils Tie. E beast murders William, Victors family is at risk for being executed, yet Victor doesn't caution anybody. Victor additionally realizes the animal executed William yet won't step forward when Justine is being addressed in light of the fact that he doesnt need his family to think he is insane. The beast may have executed William, Henry, and Elizabeth, however Victor made the beast. Victor additionally realized who murdered William and never let out the s lightest peep when Justine kicked the bucket. Things being what they are, who is the genuine beast here? Jesse Detainments carried out the violations he did on the grounds that he followed the model his dad set for him. He didnt intend to hurt a youthful honest young lady, however his dad intellectually tainted him. Jesse watched the animosity and wiped out conduct of his dad as a kid; subsequently, he was bound to rehash them. Never comprehending what a steady family life resembled, Jesse carried out a ghastly wrongdoing by virtue of his dads terrible child rearing. All in all, who is to be faulted in these circumstances? Jesses father set him over the edge, and Victor disregarded the beast, giving him no affection or consideration at all. Accordingly, the beast went to uncommon measures. Since their fundamental mental needs were not met, both Jesse and Frankincenses animal acted imprudently and without reason. In spite of his unnatural birth, Frankincenses creation shows a similar demeanor of a little youngster finding the good and bad times of life. A case of this can be seen when the beast finds fire, I found a fire which had been left by some meandering hobos.. In my Joy I push my hand into the live set out yet immediately coaxed it out again with a cry of torment (Shelley 89). The beast has no beneficial encounters and nobody to give him directly from wrong. The Delays can be named the beasts first returns. In spite of the fact that they might not have known it, they made him mindful of human connections and feelings. He in the long run feels the need of physical agony and appetite and begins to take the Delays food. The beast says he quits taking the food since he discovered that in doing this he perpetrated torment on the cottagers (Shelley 96). The Delays first show him thoughtfulness, love, and the obligations of loved ones. In the event that he really was a beast, he would have no limit with respect to love and friendship. Both the beast and Jesse Detainments never recognized what it resembled to cherish ND be adored. In spite of the fact that they may have seen various types of the idea of adoration, the two of them never felt it for themselves. They went to calamitous measures to discover the sustain their life had needed. Both of their activities may have been off-base, yet Victor and Jesses guardians partake in their careless dynamic. It is significant for youngsters to be supported with the end goal for them to succeed. Without sustain, their essential n
Friday, August 21, 2020
Weapons Training Essay Example For Students
Weapons Training Essay Weapons Training Bruce Dawe ‘Weapons Training’ was composed by Bruce Dawe. Who got one of Australia’s most notable artists in the 1960’s. In 1959 he joined the RAAF, Royal Australian Air Force, and left to turn into an educator in 1968. As his occupation in the RAAF, Bruce filled in as a flying corps official, an individual of high rankings. Furthermore, from his years battling in the Vietnam War, and serving our nation, Dawe †alongside numerous others, composed a significant measure of dissent, or against war sonnets. A considerable lot of which turned out to be incredibly notable. My own understanding of this sonnet is a teacher, or individual of high power, showing newcomers their weapons, and the genuine experience of war. This is done to guarantee that the new fighters are readied and totally comprehend what is not out of the ordinary of the coming months. The sonnet is about an encounter, as opposed to an individual. This was in all likelihood an individual encounter of Dawe’s, the same number of individuals in his position composed verse about regular encounters all through the war. Bruce Dawe is an Australian that detested war; along these lines this sonnet speaks to the violence and ruthlessness of war. We will compose a custom paper on Weapons Training explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Accordingly, since he loathed war, he just speaks to the ruthlessness of war; he utilizes a quietness and basically doesn’t raise the issue of the explanations behind war. He just considers was a pointless for the war to occur, no uncertainties, buts or maybes. The explanation for troopers composing verse while at war, other than them evacuating their contained feelings in a sound way, was to carry truth to the general population. The perspectives that a normal individual, living in a standard society has on war, vary amazingly to one that has battled the hardships of war themselves. The manner by which individuals consider war is that it’s a brave excursion taken by tough individuals that need to protect their nation, and will get back similarly as solid. Presently, partially this announcement is valid. Be that as it may, these tough individuals don't generally acknowledge how alarming the event of war might be before leaving. When it is acknowledged, numerous warriors brake down, and when they return it appears to be unthinkable for them to make every second count, as they have seen numerous that no longer have the abilities of doing so any longer. The principle topic of ‘Weapons Training’ is just, war. This is evident as it is the thing that the sonnet depends on. It is an honest sonnet written to guarantee all realize that war isn’t all that it is by all accounts. War is a very horrendous encounter for those included, and their families and encompassing companions need to understand this †and many do, through the verse composed during these seasons of anguish. One of the thoughts depicted in this sonnet is that of the male sexuality. During the long periods of war, the male warriors would ordinarily be in closeness to each other. This at that point raises the contention of homosexuality. As is raised in the content, ‘you there what’s the issue, for what reason would you say you are seeing me, are you strange? ’ This sonnet is a pessimistic and unforgiving dissent sonnet. The artist sounds forceful and requesting, this is appeared through the language utilized all through the sonnet. ‘Open that channel you call a mind and tune in. ’ Similar language is available all through the whole content; the writer doesn't change the manner by which the sonnet was composed, as thusly the state of mind doesn't change. It is anything but difficult to envision the sergeant talking strongly, telling the officers that they won’t return the equivalent. .ue462c068f472774a61526bea13025ab4 , .ue462c068f472774a61526bea13025ab4 .postImageUrl , .ue462c068f472774a61526bea13025ab4 .focused content zone { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .ue462c068f472774a61526bea13025ab4 , .ue462c068f472774a61526bea13025ab4:hover , .ue462c068f472774a61526bea13025ab4:visited , .ue462c068f472774a61526bea13025ab4:active { border:0!important; } .ue462c068f472774a61526bea13025ab4 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .ue462c068f472774a61526bea13025ab4 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; haziness: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .ue462c068f472774a61526bea13025ab4:active , .ue462c068f472774a61526bea13025ab4:hover { murkiness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .ue462c068f472774a61526bea13025ab4 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue462c068f472774a61526bea13025ab4 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content enhancement: underline; } .ue462c068f472774a61526bea13025ab4 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .ue462c068f472774a61526bea13025ab4 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe span: 3px; content adjust: focus; content embellishment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue462c068f472774a61526bea13025ab4:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .ue46 2c068f472774a61526bea13025ab4 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .ue462c068f472774a61526bea13025ab4-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .ue462c068f472774a61526bea13025ab4:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Social Work Interventions and Strategies to promot EssayHis tone is taught, yet unforgiving towards his understudies. The sonnet is made to be said in a negative tone, in light of the fact that the subject depicted it that of a negative rate. The writer isn’t keeping anything down; he says precisely what he thinks, without the worry of how, neither the fighters nor the peruser will respond. The reader’s reaction to the sonnet, loaded up with cruel platitudes and forceful language, is an acknowledgment of the truth and severity of war, in this way, causing the peruser to feel compassion towards those that have spent piece of their lives battling for our nation in the war. Their acknowledgment of this has had any kind of effect, and the artist is fruitful in carrying truth and feeling to general society. Dawe utilizes holes in his content. He anticipates that the perusers should know somewhat the detestations of war and struggle. In spite of the fact that he gives realistic symbolism, he anticipates that the responders should have the option to relate them to their very own encounters, accordingly improving the nature of this sonnet by making a connection between the perusers and passing because of war and strife. In particular, he utilizes language to stand out to his perspectives on war and its revulsions. He speaks to this contention as distinctive symbolism which adds to the motional part of the content; subsequently making enthusiasm through strain and the readers’ past experience. Starting with ‘and’ shows that the sergeant has been talking when the peruser enters the image, and his language is a persistent stream. In this way , giving the impression to the peruser as though they are inside a fighter and he had not been tuning in and just rejoined the discussion. The discourse never does arrive at a full stop; there are facetious inquiries to raise the association of the peruser â€Å"only to discover back home in light of your position; your odds of turning the key in the start; significantly diminished? Okay currently assume In this model, Bruce Dawe utilizes a facetious inquiry to make an environment that is exacting and restrained. The sort of language utilized, is certainly a procedure that pulls in the crowd. Various types of verse are utilized in the content. On the second line of the sonnet, a likeness in sound is utilized ‘and when I state eyes right I need to hear those eyeballs click and the delicate sound of falling dandruff’. Likeness in sound is the arrangement or utilization of words that copy the sounds related with the items or activities they allude to. Pitter patter’ is a case of this. This sonnet incorporates an overstatement, which is characterized as a metaphor where distortion is utilized for accentuation or impact. The sonnet develops to the end saying ‘you know what you are? You’re dead dead’ this is an embellishment to accentuate the contention of war. Bruce Dawe is stating that all that war ends up being is men murderi ng others, as a goals †when nothing should result in these present circumstances. My own reaction in perusing this dissent sonnet is that war is an occasion that no individual ought to ever be dependent upon. I’ve learnt through perusing this sonnet and doing research on war that it influences the trooper from numerous points of view. The greatest negative influence found in military individuals is PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. ) Its said to have been brought about by a horrendous encounter (individual officer passes on, shot a non military personnel unintentionally) in which the human brain doesnt realize how to recuperate from. The impacts imitate misery: feeling isolated from others, contemplations of self destruction, and some are extraordinary, for example, expanded affectability to uproarious commotions. This sonnet had a somewhat huge effect on me; it carried reality to my past musings of war. Subsequently, causing me to consider not just the troopers themselves and the manner in which they have needed to live their lives and the catastrophes they have confronted, however their families also. These groups of the warriors have needed to go through every single day pondering whether their youngster, father, mother or sibli
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Being Brave The Essay Experts New Years Ressaylutions
Being Brave The Essay Expert’s New Year’s Ressaylutions Every year in January, I make New Year’s Resolutions and report them to you, my 1800 or so readers. For anyone who’s serious about resolutions, making them is brave. First of all, we need to do some honest assessment of what’s working and not working in our lives and businesses. We need to consider where we want to head in the next year. Serious resolutions mean the year is going to be a challenge. Of course many of us make our resolutions and then promptly forget about them or give up on them. They are not real to us. But that’s not what I’m talking about here. Making New Year’s Resolutions publicly holds me accountable! As some of you know, I report both my wins and my fails for the year in August and January. This transparency helps me get a lot of things done (though not everything I promise, as you will see below) and encourages me to continually assess and reassess my goals and progress. Here’s what happened in 2013: My 2013 “Ressaylutions†and results were as follows: Publish a Spanish-language version of How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile. Not done. After full consideration of the possibility, I decided it would be untenable to keep up with all the updates of content and images in a foreign-language version of the book as well as an English-language version! Project tabled indefinitely. Publish a 50 Resume Tips book. DONE! In fact, I published two: How to Write a WINNING Resume and How to Write a STELLAR Executive Resume. They have been selling fairly well on Amazon â€" and many resume writers and clients have told me they are very helpful. I have one job seeker who updated her resume based on the book and promptly got a job! Obtain my CMRW (Certified Master Resume Writer Certification, offered by CDI). DONE! Increase the college essay / personal statement portion of my business to 25% of total business. I’m still at 10%. However, realizing that I was not going to make this goal, I have already put some things into place for 2014, and I will be focusing even more on building this aspect of my business. Start a training for resume writers. This one got put on the back burner as I completed my e-books. Tabled for now but might come up again in 2014. Ressaylutions for 2014: Increase college essay / personal statement portion of my business to 25% of business (carried over from last year for a second go). Some steps already taken in the right direction: Speaking at the NRWA Conference in Denver about how to write a standout college essay. Getting interviews for a widely circulated newspaper talking about college essays (publication still pending). And advertising a new summer program for rising high school seniors to work on their writing skills and personal statement topics (Let me know if you have a student who would like to participate). Roll out a new “responsive†(mobile-friendly) website. I have already hired web designers and they are hard at work! Choose a CRM and project management system. The Essay Expert and my assistant Jeanne Goodman do entirely too much record-keeping by hand. I will be investigating CRM and project management systems this year to determine whether there is one that will make our lives easier over here at The Essay Expert! Serve 250 clients. This year The Essay Expert worked with 200 clients to find new jobs, get into school, and achieve business results. I’m aiming to increase that number by 25%! Generate 214 success stories. I haven’t given up on collecting 200+ client success stories. This year we reached 122 (up from 109 in 2012). I’m planning to increase client numbers next year (see #4) so there will be a better chance of increasing the number of success stories. Please share yours if you haven’t already! What are your New Year’s Resolutions and how will you hold yourself accountable? Please share!
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Higher Education as a Source of Hope and Anxiety
This post was authored by Chris Tokuhama, an independent college counselor with Collegewise in West Los Angeles. In addition to his extensive counseling experience, Chris has worked on the other side of the desk as a Senior Assistant Director in USCs Office of Undergraduate Admission. Chris may be emailed directly at It’s happening again. In the early days of April 2015 headlines like â€Å"New York Teen Harold Ekeh Gets Accepted to All Eight Ivy League Schools†(Thompson), â€Å"New York Teen Gets Accepted to All Ivy League Schools†(Inskeep Montagne), and â€Å"Long Island High Schooler Accepted by All 8 Ivy League Colleges†(Shapiro) appeared in major news media outlets like NBC News and NPR. As these proclamations appeared, touting the success of high school senior Harold Ekeh, all I could think was:  â€Å"It’s happening again.†For those who follow such things, there are particular months in the year when certain types of education stories tend to appear; timed to coincide with the release of admission decisions and the start of a new academic year, profiles on college admission and higher education follow a fairly predictable pattern in American mainstream news media. It was, for example, around this same time in 2014 that headlines like â€Å"High School Student Goes 8 for 8 in Ivy League College Admissions†(Morton Ferrigno) appeared, publicizing the similar accomplishment of Kwasi Enin. In 2013 Americans were exposed to the infamous â€Å"To (All) the Colleges That Rejected Me†(Weiss), an opinion piece in The Wall Street Journal that articulated a high school senior’s frustration at being told to â€Å"be herself†only to discover that that self was apparently not worthy of admission. Although â€Å"To (All) the Colleges That Rejected Me†evidenced a particular lack of understanding with regard to the ways in which diversity can function in the admission process, the presence of the articleâ€â€along with the other stories mentionedâ€â€is worth noting as it highlights a particular emphasis on the culture that can surround college admission in America. Beginning with an examination of how some Americans perceive, understand, and talk about college admission, this post will then proceed to offer theories for how some Americans have come to this point in their relationship with higher education before moving on to discuss implications for current and future practices. Please note that this is not designed as a comprehensive overview of the topic but instead aims to offer argumentation in the hopes of engaging readers in informed discussion of the college admission process. What We Talk about When We Talk about Admission A close examination of stories surrounding college admission in April 2015 suggests the emergence of two themes that are distinct but related:  (1) how students are dealing with their admission decisions and (2) profile pieces that culminate in the attainment of admission to a particular institution or institutions. In some ways, the former is potentially helpful as it can provide some insight into the pressures faced by young people applying to American colleges and universities. The latter, however, epitomized by stories like those of Harold Ekeh, Kwasi Enin, and Munira Khalif, present a rather more insidious danger for they work to perpetuate anxiety even as they proffer hope. On their surface, articles like â€Å"New York Teen Gets Accepted to All Ivy League Schools†offer a form of celebration for a student who managed to achieve a task thought to be particularly difficult. Ostensibly combatting anxieties around declining admission rates at highly selective institutionsâ€â€anxieties that news media itself sometimes plays a role in amplifyingâ€â€stories like those of Ekeh and Enin seemingly remind us that the impossible is, in fact, possible. Taking nothing away from the efforts of the students, what is truly being lauded here, however, is not the achievements of the students themselves but rather a reaffirmation of the central American mythos:  that, in America, hard work and playing by the rules is rewarded. On some level, perhaps we want to believe that it is possible for anyoneâ€â€here it should be noted that many of the students who have been profiled are children of immigrantsâ€â€to come to America and succeed through effor t and merit. If we accept that these sorts of news items work to confirm our beliefs regarding the way the world works and thus offer a measure of solace, the price that we pay is that articles like â€Å"High School Student Goes 8 for 8 in Ivy League College Admissions†work to reinscribe a hierarchy that ultimately condemns many more than it glorifies. Instead of leading us to interrogate the current state of affairs, stories like those of Ekeh and Enin can cause us to become staunch supporters of the status quo by propagating a sense of hope for us as individuals, if not necessarily for us as a group. Put simply, the achievements of these few only matter because so many others will try and fail. Moreover, the structure of these stories matters:  written by people like Anne Thompson, who is NBC News’ chief environmental affairs correspondent (i.e., not an education specialist) and reported on in segments like Good Morning America’s Pop News, which features the â€Å"buzziest stories of the day,†the fact that they are fundamentally human interest pieces distracts us from being able to talk about higher education in a more meaningful way. We are not asked to question why this hierarchy of elite schools is maintained and to what extent we should internalize schools like the Ivies as the preeminent institutions of higher education. Instead of asking what type of post-secondary experience is best for us or our children, we instead ask our young people to largely conform to a system that puts forth a particular vision of success. (Re)Framing the Discussion Part of the problem, as noted in the recent books Where You Go is Not Who You’ll Be:  An Antidote to the College Admissions Mania (Bruni, 2015) and Excellent Sheep:  The Miseducation of the American Elite and the Way to a Better Life (Deresiewicz, 2014) is the way in which, when thinking about higher education, contemporary American culture tends to place an emphasis on entrance (i.e., admission) and exit (e.g., job placement, graduate school acceptance, etc.) but not necessarily on college itself as an experience. Perhaps we focus on these markers because they are more digestibleâ€â€to talk about acceptance to an elite school acts as a shorthand for a much larger discussion surrounding a specific type of achievement and successâ€â€but a fixation on these indicators also shields us from having the much more difficult conversations about what college is for. To ask, â€Å"Why am I going to college?†is not necessarily the same as â€Å"What is college for?†â€â€the latter almost inevitably involves a deeper discussion regarding the role and purpose of higher education in American culture along with questions like â€Å"What could higher education be?†and â€Å"What should higher education be?†This should not suggest that one’s college experience must necessarily involve philosophical questions regarding the life of the mind and whether higher education represents a space for personal growth but rather that we should, for each of us, achieve a clarity of purpose regarding the time that we spend in pursuit of higher education and even if such a path is indeed right for us! Do we think of college as a type of credentialing process that aids in securing a particular type of job? Do we see college as a space to explore intellectually and to interact with difference in its many forms? Do we want college to serve as a securer of social mobility in America? Do we expect college to produce individuals who can think carefully, act confidently, and become meaningful contributors to their communities? It is by asking ourselves these types of questionsâ€â€and thereby gaining a modicum of clarityâ€â€that we can then begin to resist the dominant hierarchy of educational institutions in America if we so choose. The answers to these questions are not mutually exclusive, nor should we think that they will be the same for each individual student. By deciding that our values and our goals do not necessarily align with an educational pyramid that culminates in Harvard, Princeton, and Yale, we can then begin the process of searching out which schools are in fact the best fits for us based on what we prioritize the most. For example, we can contemplate what a low admission rate (i.e., being highly selective) means for a particular institution but we must then go one step further to ask ourselves whether this meaning is in fact something that we value; to simply say that a lower admission rate indicates that a schools is â€Å"better†in some fashion is to miss the point of the exercise. A Call for New Assessments But understanding what we want out of higher education is only one piece of the puzzle:  true progress happens when we see an alignment between what we expect of colleges, what colleges expect of us, and how the admission process works to facilitate that match. College admission offices must not only struggle with â€Å"What is college for?†but, more specifically, â€Å"What is the purpose of my institution?†and, further, â€Å"How do current admission practices forward the goals of the university?†That is, to what extent does the current application structure allow admission offices to determine whether students will embody the hopes that the institution has for them? How does an application purport to assess the skills and talents that students now present? Early attempts to recognize the media capabilities of students came through efforts like Tuft’s video supplement and, later, Goucher’s video application. On its surface, this move seems to be a positive one, for it recognizes that some of the students in this current generation have learned to express themselves digitally; what resulted, however, was that many of the publically-available supplements resemble reality show audition tapes. And although this might be embarrassing for students, it is hardly their fault:  admission offices have largely failed to help students to understand why media literacy and the presentation of the digital self is of value to the school and therefore how the videos will be used and evaluated. Students are therefore left to rely on the logics of attention that they have internalized growing up:  reality show audition tapes. In contrast we might consider the newer efforts of some admission offices like Bennington College, whose Dimensional Application marks a departure from the traditional application in a way that is perhaps more productive. Asking students to be active participants in the creation of their applicationâ€â€and thus the presentation of themselves to the admission committeeâ€â€ideally causes students to reflect on their own strengths (and weaknesses) and how those might be incorporated into Bennington’s community. In short, the Dimensional Application represents a move toward an interactive choice-based assessment that works to engage students in their own process of learning. Although it is too early to tell whether the Dimensional Application has indeed served its purpose, we might benefit by putting it in conversation with the work of scholars like Daniel L. Schwartz and Dylan Arena, who argue for a movement away from knowledge-based assessment (2013). Ultimately, the road to a brighter future is not through stories like â€Å"Kid Who Got into All 8 Ivy League Schools Didnt Speak English 10 Years Ago†(Jacobs, 2015) but rather through a careful and sustained conversation about the role of higher education in America, one that does not ebb and flow throughout the calendar year. It will be hard work to disentangle ourselves from the dominant modes of thought that have dictated college admission since the creation of the hierarchy in the late 19th century but the potential benefits are great. Works Cited Bruni, F. (2015). Where You Go Is Not Who Youll Be: An Antidote to the College Admissions Mania. New York: Grand Central Publishing. Deresiewicz, W. (2014). Excellent Sheep: The Miseducation of the American Elite and the Way to a Meaningful Life. New York: Free Press. Inskeep, S., Montagne, R. (2015, April 20). New York Teen Gets Accepted To All Ivy League Schools. Retrieved April 20, 2015, from NPR: Jacobs, P. (2015, April 20). Kid Who Got into All 8 Ivy League Schools Didnt Speak English 10 Years Ago. Retrieved April 20, 2015, from Business Insider: Morton, L., Ferrigno, L. (2014, April 2). High School Student goes 8 for 8 in Ivy League College Admissions. Retrieved April 20, 2015, from CNN: Schwartz, D. L., Arena, D. (2013). Measuring What Matters Most: Choice-Based Assessments for the Digital Age. Cambridge: MIT Press. Shapiro, E. (2015, April 5). New York Teen Harold Ekeh Gets Accepted to All Eight Ivy League Schools. Retrieved April 20, 2015, from ABC News: Thompson, A. (2015, April 7). New York Teen Harold Ekeh Gets Accepted to All Eight Ivy League Schools. Retrieved April 20, 2015, from NBC News: Weiss, S. L. (2013, March 29). To (All) the Colleges That Rejected Me. Retrieved April 20, 2015, from The Wall Street Journal:
Friday, May 22, 2020
Feeding America - 840 Words
Feeding America Persuasive Speech Introduction to Communications Topic: Hunger in America Purpose: To persuade my audience to feed people in America that are less fortunate than we are. Thesis Statement: The number of American that does not have food to eat due to job loss, the economy, and other reasons are constantly growing. If we stuck together and helped one another, we could make that number that is constantly growing, decline. I. Introduction We see homeless people every day, asking for money for food or even just food. Have you ever wondered how these people got into these situations? Some of those people used to be doctors and lawyers and just feel on some hard times where they can’t provide for them nor their†¦show more content†¦We don’t have to wait for the government to help out; we can get involved whenever we feel the need to. Organizations like Feeding America are always looking for volunteers and donator. It is really easy to get involved, all you need to do is to repackage donated food for use at food pantries, transporting food to charitable agencies and/or clerical work at the National Office for Feeding America, every little thing helps. Holidays are definitely one of the days that places like Soup kitchens and homeless shelters need assistance with handing out and preparing food for the homeless. If time is an issue monetary donations are always accepted and certainly appreciate d. III. Conclusion In conclusion, hunger in America is at an all time high due to poverty and the economy. The increasingly high number of starving children has gone up over the past years and needs to be stopped. There are government programs set up to help stop hunger in American, such as, SNAP Food Stamps and WIC. We can get involved by volunteering with Feeding America or other non-for-profit organizations set for feeding the hungry. Food donations and monetary donations have always been a great way to help out for those who don’t have the time to donate. Bibliography Claire Provost. MDG target to halve prevalence of hunger within reach, says UN. 9 October 2012.Show MoreRelatedFeeding America Is A Non Profit Organization Created By John Van Hengel2359 Words  | 10 Pagesâ€Å"Feeding America is a non-profit organization created by John Van Hengel in the 1960’s†(U.S. Hunger Relief Charity | Feeding America ®, 2015). He was a retired business man who would volunteer at a local soup kitchen to feed the hungry| (Feeding America ®, 2015). â€Å"He came upon the idea after a women was desperately looking for food to feed her children†, â€Å"she suggested to him there should be a place to store unwanted food instead of throwing it out for trash so the hungry can go and pick up theRead MoreFeeding America1721 Words  | 7 PagesPoverty Crises. Feeding America is a United States organization that consists of nationwide network of more than two hundred food banks and food rescue organization that serves the United States as well as Puerto Rico. It is the nation leading hunger relief charity. In the late 1060s, John van Hengel, a retired businessman in Phoenix, began volunteering at a local soup kitchen, and began soliciting food donations for the kitchen. He ended up with far more food than the kitchen could use and whenRead MorePublix Super Markets, Inc.960 Words  | 4 Pageswebsite (2015), it is stated that to date, Publix has donated over 174 million pounds of perishable food to food banks, the equivalent of roughly 145 million meals (para 9). As stated by Bous (2015), after their $1.5 million donation in 2015, Feeding America named the company a 2015 Visionary Partner (para 1). Danielle Spears stated (2015) that Publix was also an inaugural recipient of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Award in 2015 for their partnersh ip and contributions to the Special Olympics (para 1)Read MoreLending a Helping Hand Essay1304 Words  | 6 Pagessuppose to afford to live in a house? Though most Miami County residents do not see homeless people, does not hide the fact we have people living without a home. Peru is not a big city like New York, or Los Angeles, but no matter where you are at in America, there will always be those who cannot afford to rent or own any type of housing. Even if everyone could afford some type of housing to live in, it does not mean they can afford all the necessary utilities. 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This organization assists in feeding an overwhelming number of people, including infants and school age children. It is truly a blessing for many. Hunger is a main concern for New Mexico. The co-founder of Road Runner Food Bank has taken an oath to stop this problem. This program distributes more than twenty three million pounds of food to our state a year. Although they have ran into some problemsRead MoreImproving Inclusion And Expanding Coverage For Healthy Feeding Progra ms Across Texas Districts2129 Words  | 9 PagesRETENTION, IMPROVING INCLUSION AND EXPANDING COVERAGE IN HEALTHY FEEDING PROGRAMS ACROSS TEXAS DISTRICTS This letter seeks to provide a detailed exposition of a multi-faceted aspect of the challenge of food insecurity in Texas and a proposal of clear-cut practical solutions. The hope is that through the publication of this piece, the issue will assume centre stage and attract the needed response. Over the years, notable healthy feeding intervention programs across different government and communityRead MoreThe Decline Of The 21st Century1527 Words  | 7 Pagesnot amateurs in challenging the current paradigm and fighting for its shift. The 21st century has brought about much needed conversions in America. Conversations including gay marriage rights, fair pay between men and women, gun control laws and many others. These conversations emerge when our basic human rights are infringed upon. Thus, healthcare in America is not immune to these conversations; on the contrary, our healthcare system has numerous issues to address. Among of them, dementia may
Monday, May 18, 2020
How Art Is Affected By Hegemony And Vice Versa - 2218 Words
The following paper will be an evaluation of Parastou Forouhar an Iranian artist whose parents were killed. This paper will primarily look at how art is affected by hegemony and vice versa. To do this I will include brief analyses of Foruhar’s art work and how they relate to common themes that have been discussed throughout this semester. The primary themes thus far are agency and empowerment. To accomplish this, I will use a variety of sources that will help differentiate each term as well as discussing the cultural and gender implications of patriarchal governments that are primarily run by religious text. The paper will also discuss Iranian women social discourse in art Shirin Neshat will also be discussed. As a member of the artistic community something that has always bothered me is the usage of specific pronouns during artistic compliments. What do I mean by pronouns do you ask? I am talking about gender pronouns of course, specifically â€Å"girl, female, and lady.†Something that often occurs in art is statements like the following, which I addressed earlier in the proposal for this project: â€Å"she is a good girl drummer,†or â€Å"she is a great female guitarist.†(Zapari, 2016) Why do these superficial compliments exist? This paper will address that question as well as looking at Iranian women who work in art. To do this I will use a variety of scholarly and non scholarly articles that address those issues. Thus, I will also look at the ethnographic and societal interactionsShow MoreRelatedU10A1 Project – Organization Theory Project4528 Words  | 19 Pagesgovernment agencies (Hatch Cunliffe, 2006, p. 299). OT consists of is theories about organizations of human elements whether in the family life, business enterprise religious communities, ethnic cultures, or absolute fields of science and the arts. As OT has evolved from the classical concepts of management, the three dominate perspectives, modernism, symbolic interpretation, and postmodernism, jockey for the dominate position and acceptance (Capella, 2010). As noted by Hatch Read MoreAmerican Popular Culture and Its Impact in a Globalized World8501 Words  | 35 Pagesthroughout the world. We will see that the presence and pervasive-ness of U.S.-produced goods do not necessarily signal the death of the local, re-gional or traditional. But before we turn to this point I will, first of all, spend a brief moment on how popular culture may be defined. To find a working definition of the term popular culture is not an easy task to accomplish for there is a variety of approaches that tries to categorize what products fall under this rubric. Pop culture theorists haveRead MoreTracing Theoretical Approaches to Crime and Social Control: from Functionalism to Postmodernism16559 Words  | 67 PagesBibliography ............................................................................................................. 60-62 ABSTRACT This thesis engages in secondary analysis, and is designed to inform the reader of misconceptions associated with how we come to understand crime and the criminal within modern westernized capitalistic society. Typically the majority of persons tend to blame the criminal for his or her committed crimes. However, many social theorists view crime and the notion ofRead MoreGgfghj12150 Words  | 49 Pagessuch as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank also took on conï ¬â€šict prevention roles. The UN secretary-general declared the prevention of violent conï ¬â€šict to be a central goal for the international community in the new millennium. 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Again and again, I encounter students who are interested in reggae music and the music of Bob Marley, but they remain deeply puzzled by Rastafarianism because of its seemingly peculiar tenets of faithRead MoreRacism and Ethnic Discrimination44667 Words  | 179 Pages Garà funas, and Afrodescendents in Nicaragua, in the cultural, social, economic, legal, and political spheres. 3. To describe the current situation and trends of the phenomenon of racism. 4. To analyze and evaluate the types of demands of the affected groups to combat racism, the affirmative actions to be taken, and the role of organized civil society in this process. 5. 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Thursday, May 7, 2020
How Does William Blake convey his anger in the poem...
How Does William Blake convey his anger in the poem London ? The poem London by William Blake, relfects his feelings upon the society that he was living in , and how despreratly it needed help. Blake thought that all of the poverty and misfortune that was happening on the streets were caused by the political opression in London. Blake was angered by what he saw in his homeland as other countries started fighting for their indipendence and equality whilst his country stayed dormant, eventhough he felt that there was a serious need for serious action. Eventhough Blake wasnt a typical romantic writer, he too possesed the same beliefs of fighting for what one believes in, and the urge to be liberated from the opression of†¦show more content†¦Another image that the writer creates, of an opressed scoiety, is the metaphor mind forged manacles, this is as the manacles are only forged by the mind thus, it not being real so therefore anyone can break free from it anytime, but yet they chose to stay in self-imprisonment. The line mind forged manacles also conveys Blakes anger towards the ignorance of the people in country as he believed that they could break free from their imaginary prison cells, and fight the authorities that were causing their poverty, just like in the French Revolution. One way that Blake uses to convey his anger on what he sees is through his constant repition on certain words. In the first stanza,he repeats the word charterd twice. By repeating the word charterd twice, it places furthur emphasis on the streets and thames being restricted by authority. The word mark is then also repeated three times in the poem, by doing so, Blake is able to let the reader take more awearness of the word mark and the story it is associated with, which is the mark of Caine. Caine was given a black mark on his face by God as he murderd his brother, the mark then branded him as a sinner. However, eventhough the mark branded him as a sinner, it also protected him from harm as anyone who harmed Caine was said to be punished with 30 times the damage inflicted upon him. The story of Caine relates to London in a sense thatShow MoreRelatedWilliam Blake And William Wordsworth1099 Words  | 5 Pageswith mythology and nature; among those poets are William Blake and William Wordsworth. Although Blake was a contemporary of the era, he had a little in common with Wordsworth. Religion is the focus of Blake’s visionary works, which does not exist in any other Romantic poetry. William Blake uses satire in most of his work to criticize the corrupting influence of religion on imagination. For Wordsworth, nature was like a religion. He talks about his own spiritual life when he refers to nature. AccordingRead MoreWilliam Blake, Born On November 28, 1757 In Londo n, United1029 Words  | 5 PagesWilliam Blake, born on November 28, 1757 in London, United Kingdom, wrote â€Å"A Poison Tree†to explain to everyone the wrong doings of the Church by teaching people to suppress their anger and the â€Å"evil†within them as that will only enhance their resentment furthermore. Inspired by his religion, â€Å"A Poison Tree†was written as an attempt to inform people about the problems that are created when one does not address the issue or their anger when it is still minor and resolvable. When grudges are keptRead MoreA Poison Tree By William Blake1398 Words  | 6 PagesWilliam Blake was a painter, engraver and poet of the Romantic era, who lived and worked in London. Many of Blake’s famous poems reside in his published collection of poems titled Songs of Innocence and of Experience. This collection portrays the two different states of the human soul, good and evil. Many poems in the Songs of Innocence have a cou nterpart poem in the Songs of Experience. The poem â€Å"A Poison Tree†is found in the Songs of Experience and it delves into the mind of man tainted with sinRead MoreComparison of William Blakes London and Wordsworths Composed Upon Westminster Bridge1544 Words  | 7 Pages19thcentury when William Blake was living in London, he showed that London was indeed a terrible place to live and the living standard was devastating and he expressed his personal passionate anger towards the underlying problems in the society despite the fact that London was a cosmopolitan city at the time and certainly the one of the busiest commercial centres in the world. His poem had great meaning and targeted those who were in the higher class who knew how to read. He showed how different peopleRead MoreEssay on Poems by Willliam Blake2364 Words  | 10 PagesPoems by William Blake In this essay I will be examining the way 5 poems by William Blake convey his attitudes towards the society he lived in. William Blake was born on the 28th of November 1757, and then died on the 12th of August 1827. He spent most of his life living in London, except from 1800 to 1803 where he lived in a cottage in Felpham, a seaside village in Sussex. When Blake was almost 25 he married Catherine Bouchier. They had no children but were married for almost 45 yearsRead MoreWild Geese By Mary Oliver1581 Words  | 7 PagesWild Geese†by Mary Oliver, is a poem that speaks deeply to many types of people with different personalities. This poem encourages the reader to let go of their shame of guilt and rather they should follow their heart, find the beauty, and become one with nature. Each and every one of us has a place on this earth, and although we all go through times of despair, the sun keeps shining and the earth keeps turning. When reading â€Å"Wild Geese†by Mary Oliver, I imagine the speaker being someone who hasRead MoreWilliam Blake: a Marxist Before Marxism1941 Words  | 8 PagesIn his poem, The Chimney Sweeper, William Blake displays the despondent urban life of a young chimney sweeper during the coming of the industrial revolution in order to emphasize the theme of innocence through Marxism and to inform people of the harsh working conditions during the times of child labor promoting political reform. William Blake was born in London on November 28, 1757, to James and Catherine Blake. From early childhood, Blake spoke of having visions. He learned to read and write atRead MoreMarxism in The Chimney Sweeper Essay examples1927 Words  | 8 PagesIn his poem, The Chimney Sweeper, William Blake displays the despondent urban life of a young chimney sweeper during the coming of the industrial revolution in order to emphasize the theme of innocence through Marxism and to inform people of the harsh working conditions during the times of child labor promoting political reform. William Blake was born in London on November 28, 1757, to James and Catherine Blake. From early childhood, Blake spoke of having visions. He learned to read and write atRead More William Blakes London and William Wordsworths London, 18022496 Words  | 10 PagesWilliam Blakes London and William Wordsworths London, 1802 The figure of the poet as it pertains to William Blake and William Wordsworth is different according to the perception of most analysts. Blake addresses a universal audience in a prophetic voice, taking the role of the poet upon himself often using a mystical tone. In contrast Wordsworth uses language specific to all and directs his writing to ordinary people writing as an ordinary person reacting to his own Read MoreELLA 4 ... A LEVEL ENGLISH LANG AND LIT2674 Words  | 11 Pagesï » ¿Compare and Contrast the ways in which Heaney and Blake write about innocence and experience in their poetry Both Seamus Heaney and William Blake explore the themes of innocence and experience in their poems. Heaney’s poetry develops powerful ideas of sacrifice in which childhood’s innocence is surrendered to a more experienced and developed life. Similarly, Blake explores innocence and experience through his religious awareness of sacrifice where innocence is repeatedly presented through childhood’s
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Guidance and Discipline Issues in the Early Education...
Guidance and Discipline Issues in the Early Education Classroom There is question and concern that behavior problems that affect preschoolers may continue to affect them later in life. These behavior problems may compromise their later chances in school. Young children who are emotionally unstable and attend school while persistently sad, withdrawn, or that have disruptive behaviors may receive less instruction. These children will also have fewer chances to interact with their peer group and not be receptive to peer-based learning. Children who are disruptive and sad also risk loosing out on being an active learner. Children who come from a lower economic background have a much greater disadvantage than other children. Early†¦show more content†¦Programs and services that are intended to meet the needs of children who are at or below the poverty level must identify and meet the needs of Hispanic children as well as African American children. Programs such as Head Start were designed to identify with the minority group and given them t he beneficial programs they need. The efficiency of early education programs are believed to reduce behavior problems among low-income children in preschool. (NICHD Early Child Care Research Network, 2001) Publicly funded programs like Head Start are reducing ethic and racial gaps in preschool attendance (Magnuson Waldfogel 2005). Magnuson and Waldfogel state that substantial increases in Hispanic and Black children’s enrollment in preschool with a combination of increases in preschool quality have the potential to decrease school readiness gaps. Boosting enrollment of Hispanic children may be especially beneficial given their current low rates if enrollment (Magnuson Waldfogel 2005). There is a lot of discussion in which types of classroom-based interventions that may be the most beneficial in reducing behavior problems among low-income children in preschool. Many preschool teachers have substantially lower levels of training, salary, and support on average, than do teachers in elementary school (Granger Marx, 1992). There has also been a lot of research in prevention scienceShow MoreRelatedQuestions On Children s Story 1246 Words  | 5 Pages Tara Domino-Robinson Children’s Story ECE 313 Collaborating with Parents and Community Instructor: Chandra Farmer February 2, 2015 Children s Story Knowing how to address a variety of situations in the early childhood setting and effectively partnering with parents to do so are important skills for all teachers and caregivers. For this assignment, you will choose one of the following scenarios: a. Shane has a difficult time separating from his mother each morningRead MoreInterview And Questions On Teaching Students Essay1282 Words  | 6 Pagesto ask them questions created by myself, that I deemed important to my learning of teaching students with exceptionalities. My field interview and questions took place with Ms. Argenio, special education teacher, Mr. Butler, coordinator of school counseling services, and Mrs. Ciampi, secondary education school counselor. The first section of this paper will discuss the similar responses between the interviewees. The second section of this paper will discuss the difference responses between theRead MoreChildhood Poverty3641 Words  | 15 PagesRESEARCH/LITERATURE REVIEW OF ISSUES RELATED TO CHILDREN LIVING IN POVERTY _________________________________________________ A PAPER SUMBITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR FS 5833: FAMILY ECONOMICS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY SCIENCES TEXAS WOMAN’S UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION BY SARAH KERAMATI ______________________________________________ DENTON, TEXAS APRIL 2012 Introduction Over the last few decades, the world has drastically changedRead MoreAdvantages Of The Montessori Method927 Words  | 4 PagesStudents in traditional schools may not be getting the best education they can receive. Some students grow up lacking the necessary skills required to perform well in the real world. The Montessori Method trains students for real-life situations. The children are not only taught the standard in academics. They also develop emotional and social skills required to excel in their future careers. The Montessori Method also puts other subcategories such as art and geology at the same level as geometryRead MoreEssay on Classroom Management Discipline3569 Words  | 15 Pagesï » ¿ Classroom Management Discipline Emily Rickertsen EIS 450G: Classroom Management Dr. Georg Gunzenhauser Fall 2014 Classroom Management Related to Discipline Teacher-Student Relationship Student-teacher relationship is a vital role in managing a classroom and discipline. As a teacher, being able to connect with students is a key to academic instructional success; students are more likely to show respect to a teacher if that teacher has a connection with the students. Every teacherRead MoreAmerican Education : Where Does The System Blunder?1053 Words  | 5 PagesAmerican Education: Where Does The System Blunder? Insightfully proclaimed by Ralph Waldo Emerson â€Å"We are students of words: we are shut up in schools, and colleges, and recitation- rooms, for ten or fifteen years and come out at last with a bag of wind, a memory of words, and do not know a thing†(Brainy Quotes 2). According to the Program For International Student Assessment, a global survey that assesses students’ abilities to apply math and reading to practical situations, America is ranked twenty-seventhRead MoreThe Montessori And Teaching Methods1095 Words  | 5 PagesMontessori Integration Students in traditional schools may not be getting the best education they can receive. Some students grow up lacking the necessary skills required to perform well in the real world. The Montessori Method trains students for real life situations. The children are not only taught the standard in academics. They also develop emotional and social skills required to excel in their future careers. The Montessori Method also puts other subcategories such as art and geology at theRead MoreEssay on State of Americas Children ® 2010 Report2669 Words  | 11 Pagesgeographic location. Fact is It is in every race, every country and it is growing more rapidly every day. (Payne, 2005). There are other factors connected to poverty. A child living in poverty is at-risk because they are more likely to have health issues or come from an abusive or broken home. When children that live in poverty are in the school, the school system automatically labels these children â€Å"at-risk†. The definition of Poverty is â€Å"the extent to which an individual does withoutRead MoreThe Importance Of A Working Practice For A School1241 Words  | 5 Pagescontribute to their childà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬TMs education. I have included examples of this from Ballachulish Primary School, which is the school that I hope to TA. The Working Practice outlines how it encourages teachers to look and treat each child as an individual and how it caters for all children of every aptitude, offering additional support where needed. Teachers are encouraged to engage children in Active Learning and make learning as enjoyable as possible, believing that education should be fun and that thisRead MoreWhat I Didn t Have A Father Figure?1075 Words  | 5 Pagesof the time. My brother who was the oldest treated us as if he were the man of the house and did what he could to keep us safe. I don’t feel as though my mother invested a lot of time or commitment with us, which caused some emotional development issues among us all. One thing I do know is she always took the time to be sure we attended church every Sunday which we all looked forward to. Most of my young childhood days were chaotic and dysfunctional which made me sad and unsure about how I could
Public Document Analysis Free Essays
English 1010 Public Document Analysis Frosh Camp 2012 advertisement This document, titled Frosh Camp @ Camp NaCoMe, has multiple different features and lots of information. The title itself is formatted in a certain way for a reason. The words â€Å"Frosh Camp†are very bold and in Memphis blue; whereas the words â€Å"@ Camp NaCoMe†are in grey and much less bold. We will write a custom essay sample on Public Document Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now The author of this document made it this way because Frosh Camp is the main subject and is meant to be more noticed than the location of the camp. Because the background of the main part of the advertisement is white, the blue stands out even more. Besides the title, the first thing you notice is the two large pictures in the foreground at the top of the page. These pictures show Frosh Camp campers in 1994 and 2012. They are inside a green circle to represent a fun atmosphere verses placing the pictures in the standard square. In the background there are a few, big light blue polka dots the author placed just to add a little more fun and color to the page. The 2012 picture shows people of all different types and ethnicities. With an audience of University of Memphis 2012 freshman, this is a very good thing to show because people won’t worry about fitting in. Next, your eyes guide to the text underneath. With the words â€Å"You†, â€Å"hundred years†, and â€Å"never forget†being bolded in the sentence, that alone makes you curious about the camp. After viewing the top of the document, one may notice the vertical, royal blue, rectangular box on the right side of the page. The foreground of this box contains all information about when the three sessions are and a few pictures and quotes of and from previous campers. The background has a few large light blue and green polka dots also to add a more gratifying feel to the advertisement. The pictures, also placed in green bordered circles, show previous campers enjoying camp and having fun. The first picture, top left, is of a girl participating in the cardboard box boat race. The author chose this picture because this is one of the activities Frosh Camp is famous for. Each cabin puts together a boat with only cardboard, duct tape, and spray paint. In order to win they must go across the river and back with two people in the boat, and finish first! The picture diagonally to the right of it is of a boy and a girl dressed up for one of the theme nights. This picture not only shows a fun activity but the feel of developed friendship. Many incoming freshman are concerned about making friends in college and this picture is a good example of friendship. Also, authors post very diverse pictures in these types of situations so that they appeal to a wider range of people. The last picture is of multiple campers yelling a chant. Many freshmen that think about signing up are nervous to experience the atmosphere. This was a great picture to represent the care free and fun atmosphere that frosh camp has. Everyone participates and no one judges you for it. The quotes, almost considered as in the background, are all positive statements said by former campers. They express all things, from their great experience to the helpful thing they learned while they were there. Quotes from others are always a good source to use when it comes to persuasion. Lastly, at the top of the box, is the session information. This just tells the dates of the different camp sessions. The author chose to use a bold and white text for this information to contrast with the royal blue background in the box. One can always find important information by how the text is written. The rest of the titles, on the main part of the document, are also very noticeable because of how they are formatted. They, on a blank background, are bolded green titles that state frequently asked questions using the what, when, where, and why scheme. The answers, placed underneath the questions, are noticeably answered by a prior camper. Just by reading them you can tell how they feel about the camp; which you can’t do without attending it. The frosh camp experience is definitely something that every freshman should experience. The page answers all basic questions one would have about the camp very adequately. The author also successfully presents the purpose. All the titles make it very easy to point it out and understand. On the far left side of the page is a menu bar that has a list of tabs you can click on to find out any information not already shown on the main document. It has things like registration, what to bring, directions, pictures, and videos. The more types of ways to show the camp, the more people will sign up. Some people don’t notice but everyone has different types of things that appeal or interest them. In order to get convinced, some people may just want to read about it and learn the facts; whereas others may feel that just watching a video is enough for them. Underneath the menu bar is the same standard links that are on every page on the Universities website. Lastly, on the bottom of the page it has all the standard required information for the site and some social networking links to the University of Memphis’ page within them. This is good because people that normally wouldn’t come across the advertisement, have a better chance of seeing it. I personally came across this document during new student orientation. After reading it, I was ready to sign up and be a part of the hundreds of other freshman that already had. It really explains frosh camp without going too far into detail. When information gets too long, especially with upcoming college freshman as the audience, most of it goes unread. Furthermore, it is organized so that information needed to be found by someone is easy to find and access. Looking at this advertisement now that I have attended the camp, I can really appreciate the authors work. http://www. memphis. edu/froshcamp/froshcamp. php How to cite Public Document Analysis, Essay examples
Epidemiology Mental Health and Self-Harm
Questions: The Director of Psychiatry in a large metropolitan hospital notices that many people admitted to the Emergency Department for deliberate self-harm re-present to the hospital in the weeks and months following a subsequent incident of deliberate self-harm. She wants to reduce the re-admission rates of deliberate self-harm at the hospital, and wonders if a brief contact intervention in the form of a follow-up telephone call (to assess how individuals are feeling, and suggest avenues for community support) might lead to reductions in the number of re-admissions due to deliberate self-harm. 1. Write a focused clinical question for this particular problem that will help you organise a search of the clinical literature for an answer. 2.If you were to search Medline/PubMed for original research on this question, describe what your search strategy would be. Be as specific as you can about keywords, MeSH terms, and delimiters. Explain your rationale for taking this approach and explain your reasoning. Cite the best article from among those you find. 3.What type of study (study design) would best be able to address this question? Discuss why? 4.What information sources would you use to find an answer to questions such as the above? Name as many possible types or categories of information sources as you can that could be used to find relevant evidence. Although some sources are better than others, discuss a few to demonstrate your awareness of the convenience, relevance and quality of common information sources in clinical practice. Answers: (1). The clinical questions asked are Are there any current mental health difficulties? Is there any problem being faced such as financial, personal or work-related? Are there any early instances of Self-harm? Are the former patients regularly attending the rehabilitation centres? (2). Keywords used are Prevention, mental health, self-harm, corrective behaviour, recovery. MeSH terms are self-injurious behaviour. These search results help in identifying factors that contribute to self-harm, prevention of self-harm by counselling. Best article obtained- Life Course Pathways of Adversities Linking Adolescent Socioeconomic Circumstances and Functional Somatic Symptoms in Mid-Adulthood: A Path Analysis Study.(Moran et al., 2012). (3). A survey on chronic self-destruction that explores high-risk behaviour. The report can then analyse the salient points, which can help the people near the high-risk patient to identify the symptoms. Questionnaire on impulsive and self-harm can unearth many facts about self-harm. (4). Information about self-harm can be obtained from the rehabilitated patients. The people who stay near or care for such patients. Earlier studies can help form the basis of information regarding further research (Brent et al., 2013). Reference: Moran, P., Coffey, C., Romaniuk, H., Olsson, C., Borschmann, R., Carlin, J. B., Patton, G. C. (2012). The natural history of self-harm from adolescence to young adulthood: a population-based cohort study. The Lancet, 379(9812), 236-243. Brent, D. A., McMakin, D. L., Kennard, B. D., Goldstein, T. R., Mayes, T. L., Douaihy, A. B. (2013). Protecting adolescents from self-harm: a critical review of intervention studies.Journal of the American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry, 52(12), 1260-1271.
Monday, April 27, 2020
reading poetry of sandra cisneros, nikki giovanni and theodore Flashcard
reading poetry of sandra cisneros, nikki giovanni and theodore
Friday, April 10, 2020
Sample Essay on How the War on Drugs Could Be Made Into a Better Policy
Sample Essay on How the War on Drugs Could Be Made Into a Better PolicyIf you are in a search for a sample essay on how the war on drugs could be made into a better policy, then this is your answer. We have looked at how the United States has the highest rate of incarceration in the world; we have looked at how we have the highest number of inmates in prisons of all countries, and we have looked at how our system of enforcement is a huge waste of money and time. Now, we will look at a solution to this problem.The solution lies in a new approach to crime and punishment. Rather than locking up the offender, let's make the offender an asset to society, a drug-free person who is involved in productive work that can be paid for by the government. Let's give them their own house and their own car. Let's give them a job where they can earn enough money to pay the cost of the state's incarceration. Allow the offender to keep their home and car while they are working for the government.This w ay, they will be better off and the costs of their incarceration will be paid for by the amount of taxes collected from them. People, instead of criminals, will be the government's best citizens.The essay I recommend can be used for example to show to legislators as an explanation of why a drug-free society is the best possible solution to the drug problem. It will help those who propose solutions to the drug problem. It will convince them that their solution is the only solution, rather than offering them a fraction of what the state would pay to people who follow the rules. It will create an emotional impact on lawmakers and on the public.The essay is also the same as when we make the case for original income. That is, it is the equivalent of an essay that using government resources to create an income that goes to someone other than the government. So, this is not just an essay about how the war on drugs could be made into a better policy. It is also an essay about how any real s olution to the drug problem will start with paying people for the use of their assets. If that was the solution, we would not be spending so much on prisons, jails, and drug-treatment centers.For people who like to argue or debate, I have a sample essay that can be used to educate the public. It is called 'Why Taxpayers Should Pay People to Help Them With Drug Abuse.' (By the way, it is an essay with a blank space, so you may fill in the blank as you like.) It can be used to educate lawmakers about why original income is the best policy for addressing the drug problem. It can also be used to show them why they should allow free income from assets as an alternative to the war on drugs.Have you ever thought of writing an essay? You can use this sample essay on how the war on drugs could be made into a better policy to teach yourself how to write an essay.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Indricotherium (Paraceratherium) - Facts and Figures
Indricotherium (Paraceratherium) - Facts and Figures Name: Indricotherium (Greek for Indric beast); pronounced INN-drik-oh-THEE-ree-um; also known as Paraceratherium Habitat: Plains of Asia Historical Epoch: Oligocene (33-23 million years ago) Size and Weight: About 40 feet long and 15-20 tons Diet: Plants Distinguishing Characteristics: Large size; slender legs; long neck  About Indricotherium (Paraceratherium) Ever since its scattered, oversized remains were discovered in the early 20th century, Indricotherium has occasioned controversy among paleontologists, who have named this giant mammal not once, but three timesIndricotherium, Paraceratherium and Baluchitherium have all been in common usage, with the first two currently battling it out for supremacy. (For the record, Paraceratherium seems to have won the race among paleontologists, but Indricotherium is still preferred by the general publicand may yet wind up being assigned to a separate, but similar, genus.) Whatever you choose to call it, Indricotherium was, hands-down, the largest terrestrial mammal that ever lived, approaching the size of the giant sauropod dinosaurs that preceded it by over a hundred million years. An ancestor of the modern rhinoceros, the 15-to-20-ton Indricotherium had a relatively long neck (though nothing approaching what youd see on a Diplodocus or Brachiosaurus) and surprisingly thin legs with three-toed feet, which years ago used to be portrayed as elephant-like stumps. The fossil evidence is lacking, but this huge herbivore probably possessed a prehensile upper lipnot quite a trunk, but an appendage flexible enough to allow it to grab and tear the tall leaves of trees. To date, fossils of Indricotherium have only been found in the central and eastern parts of Eurasia, but its possible that this gigantic mammal also stomped across the plains of western Europe and (conceivably) other continents as well during the Oligocene epoch. Classified as a hyrocodont mammal, one of its closest relatives was the much smaller (only about 500 pound) Hyracodon, a distant North American anecstor of the modern rhinoceros.
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