Monday, May 18, 2020
How Art Is Affected By Hegemony And Vice Versa - 2218 Words
The following paper will be an evaluation of Parastou Forouhar an Iranian artist whose parents were killed. This paper will primarily look at how art is affected by hegemony and vice versa. To do this I will include brief analyses of Foruhar’s art work and how they relate to common themes that have been discussed throughout this semester. The primary themes thus far are agency and empowerment. To accomplish this, I will use a variety of sources that will help differentiate each term as well as discussing the cultural and gender implications of patriarchal governments that are primarily run by religious text. The paper will also discuss Iranian women social discourse in art Shirin Neshat will also be discussed. As a member of the artistic community something that has always bothered me is the usage of specific pronouns during artistic compliments. What do I mean by pronouns do you ask? I am talking about gender pronouns of course, specifically â€Å"girl, female, and lady.†Something that often occurs in art is statements like the following, which I addressed earlier in the proposal for this project: â€Å"she is a good girl drummer,†or â€Å"she is a great female guitarist.†(Zapari, 2016) Why do these superficial compliments exist? This paper will address that question as well as looking at Iranian women who work in art. To do this I will use a variety of scholarly and non scholarly articles that address those issues. Thus, I will also look at the ethnographic and societal interactionsShow MoreRelatedU10A1 Project – Organization Theory Project4528 Words  | 19 Pagesgovernment agencies (Hatch Cunliffe, 2006, p. 299). OT consists of is theories about organizations of human elements whether in the family life, business enterprise religious communities, ethnic cultures, or absolute fields of science and the arts. 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